Thursday, March 29, 2012

A random doodle by slchangstein

my personal sketches can be re-posted and re-oodled (re-interpreted for design) at will so long as the original is given credit to myself and driven on the hopeful assumption that you would want to.

Sunni Brown promotes visual literacy with The Doodle Revolution

According to Sunni Brown, leader of the Doodle Revolution and author of the book Gamestorming: A Playbook for Rule-breakers, Innovators and Changemakers, doodling is actually thinking in disguise and promotes creative thinking and problem solving.

It appears the Doodle Revolution is a campaign for visual literacy and to elevate doodling to a level of efficient strategic planning.  It is definitely easier on the eyes than Word or excel documents or printed out sitemap structures.  I personally doodle everything or take notes and doodle around it as I think through things.  It's interesting to see it taken to a more serious level.  I truly cannot picture myself taking these notes to my higher-ups.  Although I do want to frame them sometimes as they can become quite intricate to the degree of illegibility. And they do sometimes inspire new ideas. 

The website looks to have some interesting articles and videos and ways to incorporate doodling into your workplace and best of all a showcase of doodling...